I pledge allegiance to the earth, the sun, the sky and the stars and to the universe from where we came. Our source, unnamable, with mystery and miracles for all. —Jack Biesek
Meet the Team
…Go to Meet the Mentors.
TessThe Princess of Sweetness
Tess, in Spirit now, is one exceptional cat. The remarkable energy of her life and passing inspired Tess for Pets’ creation. Her name, and that of her twin brother Joe, is what sang them both into being, connected for all time: “Way out west they have a name for rain and wind and fire. The rain is Tess, the fire Joe, and they call the wind Maria.”
JoeThe Courageous
Joe is the rock. He grounds us all, while his kite string’s tied fast to his sister Tess. And a good thing it is. A cancer survivor, Tess was there in Reiki energy throughout Joe’s leg amputation and remarkable recovery. He was off pain meds uber-early with no signs of duress. Strong, courageous, and beautiful (he likes that word), that’s Joe.
AnnieThe Princess of Happiness
Annie swooped into the fold from the local animal shelter, deftly riding the intense energy wave of Tess’ passing. One look into her eyes and Tess was there. Once in her forever-home, she went straight to the stairs where Tess would eat, the first time a food dish came out. That night when in bed–you guessed it, exactly in Tess’ spot. She’s one happy kitty.
CatboyThe Resilient
Catboy, the resilient. He weathered human learning curves with utmost grace and traveled this country from coast to coast. “What a guy,” hardly says it. He was raised by Becky-the-dog. And it’s strongly suspected that Tess and Joe are Catboy biFURcations. That would make him the true start of it all. Yay for interconnection!
BeckyThe Amazing Dog
Becky-the-dog. Golden is the word not only for her breed, but also for her enduring Spirit. When Catboy arrived, a wee kitten by the roadside, she took it upon herself to raise him up. And when she played catch with him, he loved being the ball. Sweet, gentle, curious, and kind, Becky loved every minute of life and all the creatures within it.
Pamela MooreReiki Master/Teacher
It started with drawing an oak tree in my back yard at about age five. My eyes brought them to life on paper through my hands; it was like a conversation. Our energy came together through intent and resulted in a picture of the tree in all its beauty. That, actually, is in great part exactly how Reiki works. (…read more.)