Animal Behavior
At a Cat Café, Sipping and Purring, by Penelope Green, The New York Times.
Cat Tracker: Browse through interactive maps of participating cats.
Debunking 5 of the Most Stubborn Myths About Pit Bulls, by Kathleen Prasad, Animal Reiki Source.
Dogs Are Not Pack Animals, by Simply Behavior.
Dogs Poop in Alignment with Earth’s Magnetic Field, Study Finds, PBS Newshour.
The Emotional Lives of Animals, by Marc Bekoff, Yes! Magazine.
Even Insects Have Distinct Personalities – Research Finds, by Catherine Collins, Horizon Magazine.
Fishes Have Feelings, Too, by Jonathan Balcombe.
Guinea Pigs Are Autistic Child’s Best Friend, by Jan Hoffman, The New York Times Well.
Homeless Cat Sneaks Into Zoo and Becomes Friends with a Lynx, by Earth Porm
Horses Can Read Human Facial Expressions, by Lauren Cassani Davis, The Atlantic.
Learning from Animal Friendships, by
Meet the Dogs Who Can Sniff Out Cancer Better than Some Lab Tests, by Elizabeth Cohen and John Bonifield, CNN Health
Meet Rademenesa: Nurse Cat, Modern Cat Magazine.
Nut? What Nut? The Squirrel Outwits to Survive, by Natalie Angier, The New York Times.
Online Matchmaking, But with Dogs as Dates, by Jennifer Jolly, The New York Times Well
The Science of Why Pets Are Good for Kids, by Jessica Hullinger, Mental Floss.
Social Glue: Do Your Cats Have a Group Scent? by Michelle Nagelschneider, Modern Cat.
Spirit Horse: Helping Children with Disabilities Soar, by Encore.org – Second Acts for the Greater Good.
Steve Karlin and Susie Bear, by Anne Veh, Works & Conversations.
This Photo Captures the Tender Moment a 102-year-old Woman Fell in Love with a Shelter Cat, by Arin Greenwood, Huffpost Good News.
What I Learned from Tickling Apes, by Fraans de Waal, New York Times.
When Birds Squawk, Other Species Seem to Listen, by Christopher Solomon, The New York Times.
Why Do Cats Love Boxes So Much? By Bryan Gardiner, Wired.
A Wolf Dog’s Mountain Adventures, stunning photographs by Euna Park, Weather.com
Animal Health
The Best Food For Your Cat, by Ingrid King, The Conscious Cat.
Can Something as Simple as Courage Aid Animal Healing? By Kathleen Prasad, Animal Reiki Source.
Cat Care Fact Sheets on a wide range of topics, by Cat Protection Society of New South Wales.
Brushing Your Cat’s Teeth, by Jodi Korich, DVM and Eric Davis, DVM, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine.
Does Your Cat Have Pandora Syndrome? (Urinary Tract Disease) by Ingrid King, The Conscious Cat.
How the Mind Helps Heal the Body, by Ed Halliwell, Mindful.
How to Stay Mindful When Your Animals Are Sick, by Kathleen Prasad, Animal Reiki Source.
Natural Parasite Control for Dogs and Cats, by Essential Animals.
Plants that are Poisonous for Cats, 1st in Flowers.
Secrets to Good Feline Health, by Elizabeth Pask and Laura Scott, Modern Cat Magazine.
Sometimes Saying Goodbye Isn’t So Sad, by Tracie Hotchner, Radio Pet Lady New York.
What a Beautiful Cat Taught Us About Natural Death, by Carol Howe Hulse, BrightHaven.
Whisker Fatigue in Cats, by Modern Cat Magazine.
Animal Welfare
Decisions on SeaWorld’s orcas and Griffith Park’s puma reveal a dramatic shift in how we view nature, by Karen Klein, Los Angeles Times.
Moving Back Home Together: Rarest Native Animals Find Haven on Tribal Lands, by Nate Schweber, The New York Times.
N.I.H. to End Backing for Invasive Research on Chimps, by Nicholas St. Fleur, The New York Times.
Pet? Companion Animal? Ethicists Say Term Matters, by Kathy Matheson, Phys.org
The Science of Saving Tigers, The Hindu.
What is TNR (Trap, Neuter, Release)? by Jenna Cheal, Modern Cat.
The Woman Who Lost a Dog and Gained 200 Sloths, by Vibeke Venema, DailyGood.
5 Reasons To Be Kind, by KindSpring, DailyGood.
10 Important Life Lessons We Can Learn from Animals, by One Green Planet.
10 Quotes from a Sioux Indian Chief that Will Make You Question Everything About Our Society, by Kyle McMillan, Wisdom Pills.
Animals Are Smarter Than Humans Give Them Credit For, by Melissa Dahl, Science of Us.
Can You Teach People to Have Empathy? by Roman Krznaric, BBC Magazine.
The Consciousness of Plants, by Paul Lenda, Wake Up World.
Coping With Life As an Empath, by Frans Stiene, Training.
Five Tips for the Mantra Chanting Beginner, by Ramesh Kaur, Spirit Voyage.
How a Library with No Books Could Change the Way We Read (And Bring Us Closer Together), by Roman Krznaric, Yes! Magazine.
How Positive Affirmations Can Transform Your Life, by Kathleen Prasad, Animal Reiki Source.
How to Heal Yourself by Talking to your Body, by Therese Wade, Uplift Connect.
How to Transform Every Dog Walk into a Meditation, by Kathleen Prasad, Animal Reiki Source.
Insights Into the Power of Mantra, by Frans Stiene, Inner Knowledge.
The Intelligence in All Kinds of Life, an On Being interview with Botanist Robin Wall Kimmerer.
Leading Neuroscientists and Buddhists Agree: “Consciousness is Everywhere” By Sam Littlefair Wallace, Lion’s Roar: Buddhist Wisdom for Our Time.
Neuroscience Backs Up the Buddhist Belief that “The Self” Isn’t Constant, but Ever-changing, by Olivia Goldhill, Quartz.
The One Thing That Will Help You Stick with Meditation, by Lodro Rinser, Sonima – Live Fit Live Free.
The Relationship between Science and Spirituality, by Fritjof Capra.
The Science of Happiness: Why Complaining Is Literally Killing You, by Steven Parton, Psych Pedia.
The Science of the Heart, by Jacob Devaney, Uplift.
The Transformative Power of Walking Your Dog Mindfully, by Kathleen Prasad, Animal Reiki Source.
Welcome to the Empathy Wars, by Roman Kkrznaric, Transformation – Where Love Meets Social Justice.
What Happens When You Pair Mindfulness with Heartfulness? By Kathleen Prasad, Animal Reiki Source.
Why Children Need Mindfulness Just as Much as Adults Do, by Carolyn Gregoire, Huffpost Healthy Living.
The Wonder and Humanity of a Mural that Spans 50 Buildings, by eL Seed, TED Fellow.
The Brain Waves of Reiki, by Judith Pennington, International House of Reiki.
Chanting Reiki Symbols, by Eleonore Koury, International Association of Reiki Professionals.
Deep Breath (or Bark) and Relax, by Laurie Goodale, Oklahoma Magazine.
Demystifying Reiki in the Mainstream Healthcare System Podcast, by Bronwen and Frans Stiene, International House of Reiki.
The First Ever Photograph of Light as Both a Particle and Wave, by Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Phys.org.
Has Science Finally Confirmed the Existence of Acupuncture Points, Validating Chinese Medicine? By Buck Rogers, Waking Times.
Healers in the Operating Room, by Sheldon Feldman, M.D.
The Healing Power of Reiki, by Trevor Courneen, Newsweek.
Introduction to Reiki, by Kathleen Prasad, Integrative Veterinary Care Journal.
New Research Shows Reiki Aids the Wellbeing of Cancer Sufferers, by University of Huddersfield, Medical Press.
Quantum Entanglement: Love on a Subatomic Scale, by Jesse Emspak, Space.com.
Reiki Creates a Healing Space, by Liz Wassal, The Bark.
Reiki: Healing system? Meditative practice? Or spiritual path? by Sundar Kadayam.
Reiki in Hospitals, by William Lee Rand, The International Center for Reiki Training.
Reiki in the Clinical Setting, International Association of Reiki Professionals.
Reiki Lady – This short film gives an excellent comprehensive look at what Reiki with animals is all about. Kelly McDermott-Burns brings Reiki to animals at the Rutland County Humane Society and The Hooved Animal Sanctuary in Vermont. Her work is known and appreciated throughout the region.
Science Finally Proves Meridians Exist, by Azriel ReShel.
What Are Gravitational Waves and Why Do They Matter? By Sophie Bushwick, Popular Science.
This Very Old Cosmic Light Has a Bend to It, by Elizabeth Howell, Universe Today.
Why Dr. Oz Has Embraced the Healing Powers of Reiki, International Association of Reiki Professionals.