The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. —Nikola Tesla
Meet the Mentors
…Go to Meet the Team.
James Thornton & David IsonVisionaries
An enduring interest in the dynamics of energy was inspired and fueled in particular by two mentors during the 1995 Institute for a Sustainable Future, sponsored by Harvard’s Center for Psychology and Social Change. James Thornton (left), Zen Buddhist Priest in the lineage of Taizan Maezumi Roshi and CEO of Client Earth, instilled deep roots of meditation practice, essential for the effective practice of Reiki. David Ison (right), founder of TheraSound, The Ison Method, and The Institute for Creative Consciousness, brought an acute awareness of the chakra system and vibrational therapeutics.
Marie ManuchehriEnergy Intuitive
In the throes of the loss of Catboy, an encounter with Energy Intuitive Marie Manuchehri led to finding Tess and Joe at Cozy Cove, born to her friend’s daughter’s pure white Turkish angora. Some years later, having enjoyed the expansive energy of Marie’s talks and teachings on various occasions, the loss of Tess inspired commitment to sharing a lifelong gift of healing. Marie was chosen as Reiki teacher, and conferred Pam’s attunement to the Master/Teacher level.
Mary GettenAnimal Communicator
Little did Pam know during grad school in Vermont, when focusing on the communication system of the J-pod orcas in Puget Sound, that she would one day study animal communication with Mary Getten, while surrounded by those same waters on the island where she now lived. Mary’s remarkable story includes BFF status with Granny, 103-year-old matriarch of the J-pod. Her work has helped animals around the world.
Kathleen PrasadFounder, Animal Reiki Source
Just days before Joey’s unexpected diagnosis of cancer, Pam had enrolled in Kathleen Prasad’s Animal Reiki Core Curriculum course to nourish her focus on offering Reiki for animals. Kathleen’s acute sensitivity and expertise was invaluable throughout the journey of Joey’s surgery and recovery—a cancer survivor, herself. Animal Reiki Source, which Kathleen founded, continues to be a wellspring of information and inspiration.