You can read the transcript of the introductory talk given by Pamela Moore here.

Streaming Consciousness: Experiencing Multidimensionality
East West Bookshop, Seattle WA | Friday & Saturday, April 17-18, 2015
Presenter, Louise Hauck, Intuitive Spiritual Counselor
Guest speaker, Pamela Moore, Reiki Master/Teacher, Tess for Pets Animal Reiki
Louise Hauck is an internationally known futurist and intuitive spiritual counselor, the author of Beyond Boundaries, Heart-Links, Fearless Future, and Streaming Consciousness: A Current of Unity. Her work has been endorsed by Gary Zukav (The Seat of the Soul), Peter Raussell (A White Hole in Time), and Larry Dossey, MD (Recovering the Soul).
Have you ever wondered where highly intuitive information originates? It exists in the Stream of infinite, timeless consciousness. This information is available to everyone, once you’re in the flow.
Louise Hauck demonstrates how to access this flow of information that extends beyond time — past, present and probable futures — and beyond the physical dimension where loved ones reside. She shares convincing evidence of telepathy existing as an integral part of this flow. It’s an easily accessible means of communication that connects all living things. You’ll see this when Louise intermittently ‘tunes in’ to audience participants.
These days, many spiritual seekers find themselves flowing in the Stream with greater ease, experiencing serendipitous synchronicities and powerful manifestations as daily occurrences. They’re ready to dive deep and explore the nature of multidimensionality in consciousness – how to receive, process, and decode multi-layered, vast and nuanced information on this deeper level. Louise helps listeners better understand this place of expanded consciousness.
WORKSHOP: Learning to Dive Deep in the Stream
Louise will be your tour guide for this workshop, escorting you into the gentle flow of the Stream that moves easily to the past, to the future, and to the non-physical dimension where loved ones reside.
Louise will demonstrate (and you’ll experience) how telepathy exists as an integral part of this flow, an easily accessible means of communication that connects all living things. You’ll learn to expand and utilize these natural intuitive abilities in ways that empower and improve your life, and the lives of others.
Louise will take you through exercises to help you:
- Out-smart the doubting, rational mind.
- Shift from logical decision-making to intuitive ‘reception.’
- Learn what takes you out of alignment, and how to get back in.
- Tap into Streaming Consciousness to perceive beyond the time/space continuum and the illusion of death.
- Experience telepathic communication with those in comas or suffering from afflictions such as stroke and Alzheimer’s.
- Learn Higher Self communication for mediation and conflict resolution.
- Override fears regarding your true, expansive, “non-local” nature.
SPECIAL GUEST — Pamela Moore, Tess For Pets Animal Reiki Master/Teacher
Friday Evening, Pam will share a story never shared publicly before, about a remarkable turning point that led her to Animal Reiki.
On Saturday, Pam and Louise will be doing something we think pretty interesting — combining Louise’s telepathic reading of attendees’ animals as Pam sends distant Reiki to them. It will be a synchronized integration of modalities, illustrating how each shares the same stream of consciousness. Pam will outline a way that each person present can add their own Life Source Energy to the flow, to amplify effect. A fun experiment!